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The Tomatis Method

Len Young is a Level 4 Tomatis® Consultant practicing the Tomatis Method since the mid-1990s.

The Tomatis Method is a revolutionary, neurosensory sound training program that changes lives. It re-trains human ears connecting directly through the Vestibulocochlear nerve in the inner ear into the brain. It travels the body’s auditory pathway to improve auditory processing.

Easy-to-use, this portable program retrains the ear for improved auditory processing. There are many benefits of the Tomatis Method including improved:

  • Learning

  • Reading, comprehension, and writing

  • Memory

  • Stress

  • Attention and ability to stay on task

  • Focus and follow through

  • Accidents, athletic injuries, concussions

  • Communication, speech

  • Relationships: family, friends, work

  • Social interaction

  • Creativity

  • Illnesses that cause learning or functional challenges

  • Motivation, self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Positive view of life and joy in living

  • Calm in pregnancy

There are additional reasons to take the Tomatis Method as a strong support:

  • To learn another language

  • To accelerate learning

  • To prepare for a professional or entrance exam such as the Bar Exam, SATs, GMATS, or MCATs


The Tomatis Method is individualized for each listener—child or adult—and includes the use of patented technology to improve how you process, distinguish, and respond to sounds. These benefits often bring ease of living to those with traumatic brain injury or immune deficiency illnesses. 

Len Young, PhD, Registered Certified Tomatis Consultant (RCTC), provides the program nationally, particularly in the Southwestern and Southeastern United States (Arizona, South Carolina and Texas). She has worked with the Tomatis Method and the original Electronic Ear since 1996, with the portable Mini-Electronic Ear from 2000 to 2008, with Solisten® from 2009-18 and now with the Talks Up! device. She offers the Talks Up! device and the Infinite® Tomatis headphones to provide the Tomatis Method.

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