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Welcome Clear Thinking, Enjoy School and Pay Attention with the Tomatis Method

Len Young is a Level 4 Tomatis® Consultant with 26 years’ experience, offering Tomatis programs at a distance.

Living and learning requires paying attention.

When there are attention struggles, school can be challenging, relationships hard, job projects demanding and growing up difficult. The Tomatis Method is an easy program that retrains your ears resulting in keener listening and a natural ability to pay attention.

Good listening provides opportunities.

When your listening is well tuned, you can pay attention in class or run your meeting with confidence. Personalized Tomatis programs allow you to listen in the privacy of your home on your own schedule. Your life can change.

Good listening provides opportunities.

A young child with numerous ear infections regains her ability to join a class. A teenager self-defining as a poor student, participates in class and gets good grades. He makes friends finally. A young adult struggling to get a first job lands two interviews because she is able to listen and respond appropriately. And an adult desiring a long-awaited promotion finally feels he can attend to all his responsibilities. Tomatis has these results.


Check out our Listening Checklist to see how you or your child listens and relates to paying attention.

Learn More

about how the Tomatis Method works or contact Dr. Young for a free information conversation.

What Some Tomatis Method Clients Have to Say

“After the first thirty hours of listening, Peter’s teacher reported that Peter could stay in his seat and complete his seat work. It’s the first time in his school career”

— Mother of Peter, 4th grade

“When we first met, Daniel only looked at the ground. Sound was too chaotic for him to keep his balance. Now he looks me in the eye when we speak. I see who he is.”

— Len Young, PhD,
about Daniel, age 14

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